About Us

At 8:00 pm on April 21st 1904 a meeting was held in the chambers of E H Brodie, the purpose of that meeting was to form an angling club for the gentlemen of Port Glasgow, it was to be called The Port Glasgow Angling Club. The first president was Mr E H Brodie.


The formal opening of the club took place on 13th May; Provost McMaster was in attendance. The Port Glasgow Express and the Greenock Telegraph reported on the opening. Sir Hugh Shaw Stuart was the first Honorary President of the club, he also gave permission for the club to use the water known as the Compensation Dam, we still enjoy the privilege of fishing it today, but its name for many years now has been the Lower Gryffe. The club also has the fishing rights for another two dams, The Harelaw and the Knocknair. All three dams are located in the hills above Port Glasgow and Greenock.


Our membership numbers in recent years has been steadily growing and we currently have around 150 seniors, 25 juniors, 45 retired and life members. The cost of joining the club in 1904 was 1/- and the membership fee was 5/- (5p and 25p) in today’s money, nowadays the entry fee is £20 and membership is £31 for seniors.


In 2003 the club changed one of its most strictly enforced rules and now accepts membership from people who reside out with Port Glasgow.

In seasons past, members of the club have enjoyed great success in the angling world. John McAnally, Brian Peterson, Iain Lindsay, George Martin, David Downie, Derek Barclay, Andy McKay and David McAllister have all represented Scotland and been members of the Scottish International Fly Fishing Team.


On Friday 23rd April 2004, the Club held a Centenary buffet dance. In attendance was the Deputy Provost of Inverclyde Council, Greenock and District AC, Dunrod AC, Newark AC, Largs and District AC, and last but not least, members and friends of the club.

In June the club held a Centenary Competition, to which local angling clubs were invited to fish on Lower Loch Gryffe, over 50 Anglers were present on the day. Each was presented with an embossed hand towel, commemorating our Centenary year. Newark Angling Club very kindly presented us with a splendid engraved crystal trophy. Also in June Inverclyde Council held a civic reception in honour of the clubs centenary.

Office Bearers

President: Archie Blair
Vice President: Arthur Cochrane 
Secretary: Jim Boyland
Treasurer: Derek Barclay

Committee Members

Jim Kelly
Crawford Stevenson
Richard O’Donnell
Andy Durk
Stevie McCairn
Brendan Cunningham

Honorary Members

Mr Brian Peterson 1994
Sir Ludovic H. Shaw Stewart 2005

Honorary Life Members

Richard O’Donnell 2022
Mr James Orr Blair 2022

Life Members

Mr J.D.Blair, Mr A.Cochrane, Mr H.Foster, Mr J. Gallacher,

Mr J. Logan, Mr D.McLellan, Mr A.Sneddon, Mr J. Tucker,

Mr B.Kelly, Mr A.Smith,